살레시오회 총장 추기경 지명

7월 9일 베드로 광장의 삼종 기도 후 교황님의 일반 알현 끝에 교황 프란치스코는 9월 30일에 서품될 새로운 추기경의 명단을 발표하며 기도를 요청했는데, 그중 특별한 이름이 눈에 띈다. 앙헬 페르난데즈 아르티메 신부라는 현재 살레시오회 총장직을 수행하고 있는 분이다. 돈 보스코의 10대 후계자로서 6년의 임기를 마치고 재선출되어 2026년까지 다시 6년의 임기를 수행하고 있던 중 이렇게 교회의 추기경으로서 지명을 받은 것은 상당히 이례적인 일이다. 1987년 7월 4일 사제로 서품된 후 여러 여정을 거치던 중 2009년에 남 아르젠티나 관구의 관구장으로 임명되어 봉사하면서 당시 부에노스 아이레스의 추기경으로 계시던 호세 마리오 베르골리요(현 교황 프란치스코)와 개인적인 인연을 맺었던 과정도 있었다.


The Holy Father appoints Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime,

Rector Major of the Salesians, CARDINAL OF THE CHURCH

ANS – (Vatican City) – Today, 9 July, after the Angelus and reflection on the Gospel, Pope Francis announced the convocation of the Consistory for 30 September next for the appointment of 21 new Cardinals. Among the names of the new Cardinals was Rev. Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, the Rector Major of the Salesians.

The appointment of Fr Ángel Fernández Artime is a sign of the trust and hope that the Holy Father Pope Francis places in Fr Ángel and the Salesians of Don Bosco.

The inclusion of the new Cardinals in the diocese of Rome also manifests the inseparable bond between the See of Peter and the particular Churches spread throughout the world. Their provenance expresses the universality of the Church that continues to proclaim God’s merciful love to all people on earth.

The Holy Father concluded the audience by inviting everyone to pray for the new Cardinals: “Let us pray for the new Cardinals, that by confirming their adherence to Christ, the merciful and faithful High Priest (cf. Heb 2:17), they may help me in my ministry as Bishop of Rome for the good of all God’s faithful people”.

Fr Ángel was born on 21 August 1960 in Gozón-Luanco, Asturias, Spain. He made his first profession on 3 September 1978, made his perpetual vows on 17 June 1984 in Santiago de Compostela and was ordained a priest on 4 July 1987 in León.

Originally from the Province of León, he holds a degree in Pastoral Theology and a Licence in Philosophy and Pedagogy. He was Delegate for Youth Pastoral, Director of the school in Ourense, member of the Provincial Council and Vice Provincial, and from 2000 to 2006 Provincial.

He was Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, Rector of the School atf Ourense, a member of the Provincial Council and Vice Provincial, and from 2000-2006 he was the Provincial Superior. After being part of the Preparatory commission which prepared the 26th General Chapter in 2009, he was appointed Provincial of South Argentina, based in Buenos Aires. In this capacity he also got to know and work personally with the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, today Pope Francis.

On 23 December 2013, he was appointed Superior of the new Province of Mediterranean Spain, dedicated to Mary Help of Christians. But before he could take on this new role, on 25 March 2014 he was elected by General Chapter 27 as the new Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation and the 10th Successor of Don Bosco. On 11 March 2020, he was confirmed by the General Chapter 28 as the Rector Major of the Salesians for the second six-year term from 2020 to 2026.

6 thoughts on “살레시오회 총장 추기경 지명

  1. 하느님께서 주신 큰 기쁨의 좋은 소식 입니다. 벤지 신부님과 앙헬 페르난데즈 아르티메 신부님 두분이 사제 서품 받은신 날이 같으시네요. 신부님, 날짜 지났지만 사제 서품 진심으로 축하드립니다. 그 동안 우리 신자들과 교회를 위해 고생하시고 수고하셨읍니다. 감사드립니다. 벤지 신부님의 영육간의 건강을 위해 기도 드립니다.

  2. 살레시오회 가족들에게 기쁜 소식 입니다. 추기경 지명을 받으신 앙헬 페르난데즈 아르티메 신부님과 벤지 신부님의 영육 간 건강을 위해 기도합니다.

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